‘The anarchival book of the movement-moving of #adventurecapital’

2016, toolkit, CAN
Role: Concept and collaborator
The collaboration between SenseLab’s Adventure Capital and The Economic Space Agency (ECSA) was an attempt at terraforming a new economic space. How do you invest in the creation of new economic spaces, and conversely let yourself be invested by the spaces you create? By anarchiving the monetary technology and experimenting with the design of its constitutive elements, we can develop new modes of psycho-social collective individuation. In furtherance of this unfolding experiment, this anarchival book of the movement-moving of Adventure Capital has been developed as a process of weaving and intersecting relations with differentials of value informing and giving form to novel social-economic spaces. This anarchival book traces such a coming-together, and its creation of a movement that both reveals and actualizes an understanding of Adventure Capital as it moves. Main collaborator was Harry Homi.